Marael, a humanoid girl wearing a white cloak with blue hair and eyes, is seen wandering a concrete hallway with yellow caution tape running down its length.
An Unknown Voice, from off-screen: "We're glad you could get here on time, Marael! Welcome to Saint Scarlet's Combat Academy."

Marael, rubbing the back of her head
Unknown Voice: "The first Trial is pretty simple: All you need to do is reach the end of the maze as fast as you can!"

Marael, peering around
Unknown Voice: "Combat with the other students is allowed... and encouraged. There's a secret prize at the end of the year for the student who wins the most trials. A prize even someone from off-world will want. So do your best!"

Time passes...

Marael, distressed: "Ergh... Master, how long have we been walking? Feels like it's been forever."
Master, a voice in Marael's head: "It has been two hours, sixteen minutes, and thirty-two seconds since you entered the maze."

Marael, peering around a corner, brows furrowed: "That's all? I'm already worn out."
Master: "Terra's mana density is much ligher than Cendaran. Your capacitor is already down to half power. You'll need time to adjust."

Marael, smiling with a hand on her hip, but out of breath: "Don't worry! I'm sure I'll be fine!"
Master: "Just try to avoid any fights. Even at full power, you're still a support model. Use your speed and stealth to your advantage."

The maze is shown from overhead, a sprawling network of seemingly endless passages.
Marael: "Speed, right. I'll just run straight to the exit... sounds great."
Published On: July 5, 2023

One thought on “1: Lost

  1. I’m liking the style of this artwork.

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